Our Commitment to Your Privacy

Ord Valley Events Inc. (referred to as “Ord Valley Events“, “we“, “us“, and “our“) is the organiser of the Taste of the Kimberley amongst other events (Festival).

This policy reflects our commitment to ensuring that our collection, holding, use and disclosure of information complies with the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act), in particular, the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) set out in Schedule 1 of the Act.

You can download a copy of the Privacy Act here.

You can read the LPA Ticketing Code of Practice here.

1.         Personal Information

The Act provides that “personal information” means, among other things, information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database), whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion.

We take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you consent to the fact that you are aware that we are collecting your personal information and disclosing it as required by us and in accordance with the Privacy Act and any applicable APPs.

You understand that any personal information that you provide to us must be accurate and up to date. We will assume this to be the case.

2.         Why Ord Valley Events Needs to Collect Personal Information

Ord Valley Events will need to collect your personal information for several different reasons, dependent on the kind of dealings you may have with the Festival. For example, Ord Valley Events may need more information about you when you buy a ticket, so you can be notified in the case of changes in date or time of a performance, to send out information about upcoming Ord Valley Events performances and market research purposes.

At any time, you can inform the Festival if you do not want your information used for direct marketing or research purposes by contacting Ord Valley Events (details at the end of page).

3.         Use of Your Personal Information

Ord Valley Events uses your personal information in order to deliver your ticket, process your payment arrangements, contact you in the case of cancellation or major disruption of an event and replace lost tickets.

In general, the purpose for which we collect your personal information include:

  • Placing you on mailing lists either electronically or postal

  • To inform you of activities, events and products that may be of interest to you, including Festival news or upcoming events

  • Submitting entries to events or competitions

  • To assist with enquiries you may have about Ord Valley Events

  • To maintain our business records

  • To seek donations or sponsorship

  • To conduct market research

  • To carry out transactions with you, such as to process payments and donations received by you

  • Any purpose that you would otherwise reasonably expect

You consent to the disclosure of your personal information to any of our related entities.

An unsubscribe facility is enabled with any broadcast email correspondence.

We also use your information, in anonymous form, for statistical purposes, to gain a better understanding of our audience.

If you no longer wish to receive marketing information from us, you can also contact our administrator (details at the end of page). Please allow approximately 30 days for the amendment of our records.

4.         Collection of Personal Information

When you purchase your tickets to an Ord Valley Events event over the phone or online from Ord Valley Events ticketing services or third parties such as our ticketing agencies, Moshtix, your personal information will be collected, including your:

  • Name

  • Residential address and postcode

  • Postal address

  • Telephone numbers

  • Email address

  • Purchase details including the purchase amount, date of purchase and payment method

  • Date of birth

  • Credit card details

In this Privacy Policy, “Social Media” means social media networking sites of any kind or nature, including but not limited to web or internet-based or mobile telephonic devices or medium such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, which enable the creation and exchange of user-generated content.

Our website, Social Media and/or mobile applications may automatically collect the following information about you each time you visit our website, Social Media and/or mobile applications:

  • technical information including but not limited to the Internet Protocol Address used to connect your computer to the internet, the internet browser and version that you are using when accessing our website, Social Media and/or mobile applications, any additional plug-ins that you are using, and your computer’s operating system and platform; and

  • information about the time and date you accessed our site and Social Media, and what you accessed on our site and Social Media. This includes links that you clicked on, what content you accessed, how long you accessed that content for, whether you downloaded any content, whether supplied by us or downloaded from a third-party host and how you navigated to and from our website, Social Media and/or mobile applications to other sites or other pages hosted by us.

The terms of our third parties’ privacy policies apply to their collection, holding, use and disclosure of your personal information. Those policies can usually be found on their websites.

Unless you tell them otherwise, the third parties may share your name, contact details and other personal information with us. Our privacy policy applies to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information once it is disclosed to us by the third party.

Please note that Ord Valley Events is not given your credit card details by our ticketing agencies or our hired venues.

In the course of conducting our business and providing the services to you, Ord Valley Events will also collect the following personal information:

  • Identification information, including your login credentials;

  • History of your communication with us; and

  • Details or history of preference, opinions, interests and behaviours related to our services (such as events or performances that you purchase tickets for) and any other activities on our website.

We may also collect any other personal information needed to subscribe you to our services, including information that will identify you as an individual. It may include your age or date of birth.

If you are offering services to us or seeking to work with us, we may record and keep your tax file number, ACN or ABN. We will record information that you provide to us in other ways, for example, by interacting with our webpage, responding to marketing programs, through social media or online forums, participating in offers and promotions, or giving us your business card details at events.

We may record or obtain information about you to ensure the security of your transactions with us. This might mean information from our business partners, financial service providers, identity verification services and publicly available sources.

5.         Disclosure of Your Personal Information

Ord Valley Events takes its obligations with regard to the use and disclosure of personal information very seriously. In general, Ord Valley Events will only use or disclose personal information for the primary purpose that it was collected or for a purpose related to the primary purpose that you would reasonably expect it to be used. For example, the Festival may use your information to contact you about a change in the time of a production.

If Ord Valley Events wishes to disclose your information to a third party, it will obtain your consent to do so. However, there may be certain exceptional circumstances that will warrant not obtaining your consent, such as circumstances where:

  • Ord Valley Events needs to use or disclose personal information where it believes the use or disclosure is necessary to protect any person and/or any Ord Valley Events’ rights or property; or

  • if the use or disclosure of personal information is authorised or required by law (such as if Ord Valley Events is required to disclose personal information to a court in response to a subpoena).

For situations where Ord Valley Events collects personal information from individuals who are not customers, the Festival will only use the personal information for the primary business purpose that it was collected. For example, the Festival may have the contact details of an individual (such as a mobile or email address) who is the “point of contact” within an organisation with which it does business.

6.         Disclosure and Other Organisations or Third Party Individuals

Ord Valley Events will not sell, rent, trade or otherwise supply to third parties any personal information obtained from you unless you consent. However, Ord Valley Events may disclose personal information about you in some circumstances, including where contractors and service providers help it operate its business or provide a service such as:

  • a company that helps Ord Valley Events to operate its computer systems (whose contact details can be obtained from the Ord Valley Events Administrator); or

  • contractors who assist the Festival to send out our mail (whose contact details can be obtained from the Ord Valley Events Administrator); or

  • circumstances where the individual would reasonably expect personal information to be disclosed (for example, if those third parties are directly involved in the collaboration of an Ord Valley Events production for which the personal information was collected).

If Ord Valley Events provides your personal information to promoters or engages contractors and service providers to handle personal information, it requires these organisations or individuals to agree to comply with the Ord Valley Events Privacy Policy and the Australian Privacy Principles and with strict conditions governing how personal information is to be handled. Otherwise, you should be aware that Ord Valley Events may be required to disclose your personal information without your consent on a confidential basis to our external service providers and advisors or to comply with any court orders, subpoenas, or other legal process or investigation if such disclosure is required by law.

Depending on your location and subject to applicable law, you may have the following rights concerning the data Ord Valley Events collects about you:

  • The right to request confirmation of whether Ord Valley Events processes personal information relating to you, and if so, to request a copy of that personal information;

  • The right to request that Ord Valley Events rectifies or updates your personal information that is inaccurate, incomplete or outdated;

  • The right to request that Ord Valley Events erases your personal information in certain circumstances provided by law;

  • The right to request that Ord Valley Events restricts the use of your personal information in certain circumstances, such as while Ord Valley Events considers another request that you have submitted (including a request that Ord Valley Events makes an update to your personal information); and

  • The right to request that Ord Valley Events export to another company, where technically feasible, your personal information that it holds in order to provide services to you.

Where the processing of your personal information is based on your previously given consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You may also have the right to object to the processing of your personal information on grounds relating to your particular situation.

You consent to the disclosure of your personal information to overseas recipients and warrant that you are aware that an overseas recipient of your personal information is not required to comply with the Privacy Act or the APPs. Please notify us immediately if you have any objections to us providing your personal information to any overseas recipient.

We will take all reasonable steps and precautions to ensure that any transmission of your personal information via the internet is secure. However, we cannot guarantee the security of any data transmitted to our site, and you agree and acknowledge that any such transmissions are at your own risk.

You consent to the disclosure of all information necessary for our company to comply with any relevant reporting obligations (if any) pursuant to the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth).

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any overseas recipient of your personal information does not willingly or knowingly breach the Australian Privacy Policy in relation to your personal information.

7.         Direct Marketing

Ord Valley Events will send direct marketing material to you in situations where:

  • the direct marketing material is directly related to the primary purpose that the information was originally collected (for example, a ticket buyer who has purchased tickets to Ord Valley Events productions will receive direct marketing material about future Ord Valley Events productions); and

  • it would be in an individual’s reasonable expectations that the information will be used to receive direct marketing material (for example, the above ticket buyer may at times receive information about related events).

At any time, an individual can choose to no longer receive marketing material. On all direct marketing, whether its form is electronic or print, there will be a notice on the material giving the individual the opportunity to agree or disagree from receiving marketing material or “unsubscribe” from receiving further material. Because of the sensitivity of online bookings, for any online collection of personal information, you will also be given an opportunity to not receive marketing material that is generic or untargeted, such as the Ord Valley Events regular electronic newsletter.

If you no longer wish to receive promotional information from Ord Valley Events, please advise the Ord Valley Events Administrator (details at the end of page). You will need to allow approximately 30 days for your records to be amended.

8.         Information for Website Users

8.1    Cookies

To help provide services to you, Ord Valley Events may use cookies and other technologies on its website. A cookie is a small piece of text sent to your browser by a website you visit. It helps the website to remember information about your visit, like your planner use and other settings. This can make your next visit easier and the site more useful to you. Cookies play an important role – without them, the Festival website would treat you like a new visitor every time.

There are three main types of cookies – here’s how and why Ord Valley Events uses them:

  1. Site functionality cookies – these cookies allow you to browse the website and access all pages.

  2. Site analytic cookies (Google Analytics) – these cookies help Ord Valley Events measure and analyse how you use the website.

  3. Targeting or advertising cookies – these cookies help Ord Valley Events keep track of your site preferences and are used to deliver online marketing and advertising campaigns and materials that are relevant to you.

Ord Valley Events may also use electronic images – sometimes called single-pixel GIFs, transparent GIFs, or clear gifs – that allow it to track general user traffic patterns and email open rates. The Festival may also collect information about your online activities on websites and connected devices over time and across third-party websites, devices, apps and other online features and services.

Generally, the information collected by cookies and tracking images may be used for

the following purposes:

  • to keep track of your opt-in subscriptions and site preferences;

  • keeping count of return visits to our website;

  • accumulate and report anonymous, aggregate statistical information on email and website usage;

  • to optimise online advertising campaigns and deliver you relevant marketing communications.

If you do not wish to receive any cookies, you may set your browser to refuse cookies on a site by site basis; however, this may mean you will not be able to take full advantage of Ord Valley Events services. Ord Valley Events does not use cookies to keep personal information of its customers’ use of the Ord Valley Muster website.

Sometimes the Ord Valley Muster website contains links to third-party websites for your convenience and information. When you access a non-Ord Valley Events website, please understand that Ord Valley Events is not responsible for the privacy practices of that site. We suggest that you review the privacy policies of each site you visit.

You can read more about how Google uses data sent from our website by visiting
How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps

8.2    Remarketing to Website Visitors

We use remarketing services, such as Google AdWords Remarketing, to advertise Ord Valley Events online.

Remarketing services will display ads to you based on what parts of the Ord Valley Events website you have viewed by placing a cookie on your web browser.

Remarketing services allow us to tailor our marketing to better suit your needs and only display ads that are relevant to you.

If you do not wish to see ads from Ord Valley Events, you can opt-out in several ways:

8.3    Third Party Sites

Sometimes our website contains links to third-party websites for your convenience and information.

When a user has clicked on a link to another site, they leave the Festival site and are no longer protected by the Ord Valley Events Privacy Policy conditions. We recommend that you review the privacy policies for each website you visit.

9.         Information for Ord Valley Events Social Media Followers

Any information posted on Ord Valley Events’ social media pages, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and/or communicated in chat areas, becomes public information.

While we strive to protect and respect your privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose via social media, a chat room or bulletin board.

We use aggregate information from our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts to understand our audience better and answer your queries.

 10.      Information for Business Associates

10.1  Collection of Your Personal Information

We may collect your personal information, including your:

  • Name

  • Employer

  • Work contact details, including your email address

  • Personal contact details such as your phone number

in person, over the telephone, by fax, or by email in order to undertake our daily artistic and administrative operations.

For example, we may have your contact details if you are our “point of contact” within an organisation with which we do business.

10.2  Use of Your Personal Information

We will only use your personal information for the business purpose for which it was collected.

10.3  Disclosure of Your Personal Information

We will only disclose your personal information if necessary to achieve the business purpose for which it was collected.

11.      Information for Job Applicants (including Volunteers)

If you are applying for a job with us, you may be required to provide us with certain personal information, including your:

  • Name

  • Residential address

  • Postal address

  • Telephone numbers

  • Email address

  • Employment history

  • Educational background

This information may be collected in your interactions with Ord Valley Events in person, over the telephone, by fax or email, as part of, or in relation to, your job application.

In considering your information, we may also collect information about you from the referees you nominate in your application.

11.1  Use of Your Personal Information

We will only use your personal information for the purposes of considering your application and, if successful, your employment.

11.2  Disclosure of Personal Information

In considering your application, it may be necessary for us to disclose some of your personal information to third parties to verify that information’s accuracy.

We will disclose only such information as is necessary for the circumstances.

12.      How We Store and Secure Your Personal Information

We maintain commercially-reasonable technical, administrative, and physical security measures designed to protect your information from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

Your personal information may be stored in either hard copy or electronic format.

Where we engage a third-party service provider, we will ensure that appropriate data handling and security arrangements are in place.

You agree and acknowledge that your personal information may be stored at or transferred within Australia or a destination outside of Australia. This will allow staff operating outside of Australia (whether employed by us or by a third party engaged by us or otherwise authorised under this Privacy Policy to access your personal information) to process your information for the purposes of providing you with our services.

We are committed to keeping all personal information secure and have taken reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We have implemented technology and security features to make our systems as secure as possible and to safeguard your personal information. However, we cannot guarantee the security of any data transmitted to our site, and you agree and acknowledge that any such transmissions are at your own risk.

We take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify any personal information after it can no longer be used.

Except to the extent that liability cannot be excluded or limited due to applicable law, we assume no liability or responsibility for disclosure of your information due to errors in transmission, unauthorised third-party access, or other causes beyond our control.

All our employees with access to your information will be held to the confidentiality obligations as set out in this Privacy Policy.

13.      Sensitive Information

‘Sensitive information’ is a specific type of personal information, including information about your health, race, ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of political, professional or trade associations, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual preferences and criminal history.

The APPs impose greater obligations on us regarding any collection, use or disclosure we make of your sensitive information.

Usually, we do not collect sensitive information.  If for some reason we do need to collect your sensitive information, we will only collect it if:

  • you have expressly consented to us doing so;

  • we are required to do so by law; or

  • the collection is necessary to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim.

14.      Your Personal Payment Information

If you are required to pay for the services of Ord Valley Events or choose to pay for the services by credit card, your credit card details are not stored with Ord Valley Events and cannot be accessed by Ord Valley Events staff.

15.      Your Right to Anonymity

Where it is lawful and practicable to do so, you may undertake business with us without providing personal information. For example, you may purchase tickets to a Ord Valley Events event by cash payment, in person, over the counter, without providing personal information.

16.      Mandatory Data Breach

Ord Valley Events is aware of and, where legally required to do so, will comply with the Mandatory Data Breach reporting obligations under the Privacy Act.

17.      Access to Personal Information

To obtain a copy of the personal information we hold about you, please contact our

Administrator (details below).

You will be required to complete and submit an access form.

You will also be required to provide proof of your identity. If you are applying by:

  • Post or email – you must attach a certified copy of your identification to the access form;

  • In person – you must produce the relevant information to the Administrator.

Documents that provide sufficient proof of your identity are:

  • Your current driver’s license;

  • The identifying page of your current passport;

  • Your birth certificate; or

  • A statutory declaration by an individual who has known you for at least one year.

We will not charge you to access your personal information.

18.      Correction of Personal Information

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

However, the accuracy of that personal information depends to a large extent on the information you provide to us. To help ensure the accuracy of the personal information we hold about you, please inform the Administrator (details at end of page) if:

  • You become aware of any errors in the personal information we hold about you; or

  • There are any changes to your personal information, such as changes to your name, address or other contact details.

Please allow approximately 30 days for amendment of our records.

19.      Privacy Complaints Process

If you are concerned about a possible interference with your privacy or about the potential misuse of your personal information, please contact us at the below email address.

We take all complaints very seriously. It is our policy to handle complaints in a timely, effective, fair and consistent manner. If you wish to complain about how Ord Valley Events has handled your personal information, please provide the Ord Valley Events Administrator with full details of your complaint and any supporting documentation by email at enquiries@ordvalleyevents.com.au.

The Ord Valley Events Administrator will endeavour to:

  • provide an initial response to your query or complaint within 10 business days, and

  • investigate and attempt to resolve your query or complaint within 30 business days or such longer period as is necessary and notified to you.

20.      Administrator Contact Details

For further information about your personal information held by Ord Valley Events, access to or correction of that information, privacy issues and the protection of privacy, please contact the Ord Valley Events Administrator on:

Email: enquiries@ordvalleyevents.com.au
PO Box 1372, Kununurra WA 6743

We will do our best to resolve any complaint as quickly as possible, and in any event aim to respond to you within 30 days.  If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you can refer the matter to the Office of the Information Commissioner.

Address: Albert Facey House, 469 Wellington Street, PERTH WA 6000

Phone: (08) 6551-7888 or Freecall (WA country landline callers only) 1800 621 244

Email: info@foi.wa.gov.au

21.      Changes to This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was last updated in October 2023.

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time and to notify our customers, business associates and job applicants by posting an updated version of this policy on our website. We encourage you to regularly review this Privacy Policy to make sure you are aware of any changes and how your information may be used.